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Data Brief ; 53: 110142, 2024 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38357451


The present database contains brain activity of subjective tinnitus sufferers at identifying their sound tinnitus. The main objective of this database is to provide spontaneous Electroencephalographic (EEG) activity at rest, and evoked EEG activity when tinnitus sufferers attempt to identify their sound tinnitus among 54 tinnitus sound examples. For the database, 37 volunteers were recruited: 15 ones without tinnitus (Control Group - CG), and 22 ones with tinnitus (Tinnitus Group - TG). For EEG recording, 30 channels were used to record two conditions: 1) basal condition, where the volunteer remained in a state of rest with the open eyes for two minutes; and 2) active condition, where the volunteer must have identified his/her sound stimulus by pressing a key. For the active condition, a sound-tinnitus library was generated in accordance with the most typical acoustic properties of tinnitus. The library consisted in ten pure tones (250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 3 kHz, 3.5 kHz, 4 kHz, 6 kHz, 8 kHz, 10 kHz), a White Noise (WN), a Narrow Band noise-High frequencies (NBH, 4 kHz-10 kHz), a Narrow Band noise-Medium frequencies (NBM,1 kHz-4 kHz), a Narrow-Band noise Low frequencies (NBL, 250 Hz-1 kHz), ten pure tones combined with WN, ten pure tones superimposed with NBH, ten tones with NBM and ten pure tones combined with NBL. In total, 54 sound-tinnitus were applied for both groups. In the case of CG, volunteers must have identified a sound at 3.5 kHz. In addition to EEG information, a csv-file with audiometric and psychoacoustic information of volunteers is provided. For TG, this information refers to: 1) hearing level, 2) type of tinnitus, 3) tinnitus frequency, 4) tinnitus perception, 5) Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and 6) Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI). For CG, the information refers to: 1) hearing level, and 2) HADS.

Perspect. nutr. hum ; 21(2): [173-187], septiembre 12 de 2019.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103619


Antecedentes: la agricultura familiar se reconoce como una práctica importante para que las poblaciones mejoren el acceso a alimentos propios y los ingresos, y contribuyan a la seguridad alimentaria en su región. Objetivo: conocer los significados y usos dados por los habitantes de una vereda del municipio de Chigorodó, Antioquia, a los alimentos que producen. Materiales y métodos: investigación cualitativa basada en etnografía enfocada. Los datos se recolectaron mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas a 14 participantes, observación participante y elaboración de mapas de los predios. La información obtenida se transcribió, leyó y codificó, identificando aspectos significativos, relaciones entre los datos, hasta conformar categorías preliminares y emergentes, que fueron validadas con los participantes. Resultados: las razones para cultivar incluyen vocación, tradición familiar y necesidad del sustento. Vivir en el campo se relaciona con felicidad, tranquilidad y salud. Los alimentos más cultivados son plátano, mango, limón, coco, guayaba; además se crían animales. Los participantes dan a lo producido usos alimentarios, cosméticos, medicinales y de aseo; algunos productos también se venden o intercambian. Conclusión: los alimentos producidos aportan a la soberanía alimentaria y a la economía familiar, tienen usos que reflejan diversos saberes; se resalta el papel protagónico de la mujer en la agricultura familiar.

Background: Family farming is a practice that makes it possible for the population to obtain food and income while contributing to the food security of their region. Objective: To understand the significance and uses that the inhabit¬ants of a rural settlement, located in the Chigorodó municipality in the Department of Antioquia, place on the food they grow. Materials and Methods: A qualitative study, based on focused ethnography, in which data were collected via active observation, semi-structured interviews administered to 14 participants, and property mapping. The data were transcribed, read and coded. Significant aspects and data relationships were identified. Preliminary and emergent categories were consolidated and the results were validated with the participants. Results: Among the reasons for growing food, the following stand out: vocation, tradition, and need to support one's family. Additionally, living in the countryside is associated with happiness, tranquility and health. The most common types of food produced are: plantain, mango, lime, coconut and guava. In addition, they also raise animals. Household use the foods and products they cultivate for food, cosmetics, medicine, and cleaning. Outside the household these products are sold and traded. Furthermore, people express diverse knowledge on the medicinal and cosmetic uses of plants as well as on how to grow them. Conclusions: Growing food contributes to the food security of these households and their family economy. Likewise, the leading role of women is highlighted in this activity. Finally, a diverse body of everyday knowledge was observed in this study.

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